i love food. i mean, i really truly am madly in love with food. that's why i married a cook!

this blog was originally started to write about food. i have expanded to all kinds of things available alongside food, like shampoo, conditioner, dishwasher powder, and laundry detergent. i hope i can enlighten your curiosity.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

eric and i have come to the conclusion that trader joe's dishwasher powder is the best stuff ever.  it works better than every other dishwasher liquid or powder we've tried in the 3 years we've been here.  of course, all are combined with lemi-shine since we've got crazy hard water, but all others still left spots or cloudiness.  no more, my friends, no more!  plus this stuff is 'green' so i don't have to worry about what kind of crap is on my daughter's bottles, bowls, and spoons, as well as out in the environment.  

trader joe's liquid laundry detergent is also fabulous.  it smells amazing, because of the lavender oil, and its rated very highly for use on cloth diapers.  w00t!  no expensive detergent for us, we got this all under control on the cheap!  we've become very good at that.  

now, i realize neither of those things are food, but both are bought in a food store, and both are used on things that in some form or another interact with food.  to make things matchy matchy though, i'll post about food, too.